
How to buy, sell and invest in real estate safer and easier with the Lease 2 Purchase contract

"Why I started this web site -- and why NOBODY else is giving away these secrets..."

From the Desk of: Jeff Beaubien
Monday, February 17, 2025

"How can I make more money in real estate?" many people ask.

here is an easy, simple rule, that when placed in front of him, not even a child could go wrong. Just ask yourself one question. If your answer is "Yes," you are on the wrong track, and you will never make much progress, until you get off it and on the right track.

If your answer is "No," then you are working in the right direction, and you have only to keep it up to attain any goal you desire.

That question is the basis of the Lesson in "How to buy, sell and invest in real estate safer and easier with the Lease 2 Purchase contract." If you're looking for a road map to guide you through the Lease 2 Purchase realm, keep reading!

If you need to see results immediately... I'll show you letters, case studies, and information from REAL PEOPLE who've followed this exact system and made dramatic changes to their income and lifestyle with their very OWN Lease 2 Purchase business.

I know what you're thinking right now. "Okay Jeff, you have my attention -- but please don't waste my time." You've got a deal, but please remember one thing from your visit to my web site today...

"Once you fully understand the power of the Lease 2 Purchase contract, you will never buy or sell a home the conventional way again. Ever."

Countless other real estate gurus lace their sales pitch with fancy words and tricky rhetoric to falsely attract customers. I am in a league all by myself and my loyal customers are living proof of success generated with my Lease 2 Purchase system.

My simple system has proven time and time again that average people can enjoy the wonderful rewards that the world of real estate has to offer, it doesn't matter if you're buying, selling or investing. Would it seem too bold of a statement to say that the 3-5 minutes you spend on this page was responsible for a Life Changing experience?

I don't think so, and neither do my clients...

I wrote this just before leaving my office for the night. I hope you weren't working like I was... I hope you were at home with your family enjoying the finer things life has to offer. As for me, I busted my butt as usual trying to get my last sales call finished before I headed home for an ice cold glass of lemonade by the lake (I love relaxing by the lake after a hard days work).

You see, I'm mad.

"...I am as mad as I have ever been..."

To be blunt, I am as mad as I have ever been about anything. I frequently get calls from clients who have been burned by some of these gurus who offer to teach someone how to make a million dollars in real estate overnight. In fact, real estate can be the fastest way to lose a lot of money in a hurry.

While it is true that there are millions to be made in real estate, it simply isn't true that it can be done overnight and without a lot of hard work (as my dad always said, "the harder you work the more you'll make!").

I know quite a few folks who have lost thousands of dollars in real estate using these "completely free " real estate techniques. People buy, sell and invest in real estate expecting it to make them rich overnight. Well that just isn't true! I know because I speak from first-hand experience.

If real estate was such a great vehicle for security and wealth accumulation, then why do millions of Americans let this dream slip away every year? If you're currently making money in real estate... congratulations. But let's turn those profits you're making right now into REALLY BIG PROFITS.

It's easy to earn a substantial income from your home or office with real estate -- if you know exactly what to do and exactly how to do it.

Let me help.

On this very web page, you will discover the most advanced ideas, clever tricks of the trade, and secret techniques for being successful with the Lease 2 Purchase contract.

These ideas, tricks and techniques are being used by the top people in the field right now. Find out how you can join them and become one of the thousands of real estate investors who are successful with the Lease 2 Purchase contract.

This page has been designed to help you learn all of the secret techniques plus discover...

  • How to Buy, Sell and Invest in Real Estate Safer and Easier with the revolutionary Lease 2 Purchase (lease option or rent to own) contract
  • How to sell your home for top dollar quickly, easily all while saving thousands on fees
  • How you can buy a home for very little or nothing down quickly and easily with the lowest possible interest rate
  • How to attract the best tenants who pay on time and take excellent care of your property
  • How you can invest in real estate with maximum leverage in a safe, easy way
  • How realtors can benefit from and offer value to their clients using proven methods of Lease 2 Purchase home financing
  • How to safely and suddenly increase your net worth
  • Fun, fast, step-by-step methods for attracting eager buyers and motivated sellers
  • Advice on structuring the perfect Lease 2 Purchase deal with contract clauses that benefit you every step of the way
  • How to overcome objections and get the sale -- EVERY TIME!
  • How you can Lease 2 Purchase with almost no risk and turn every one of your deals into rolling profit centers

Of all my dealings with creative real estate techniques, I now make more money with Lease 2 Purchase deals in one month than I used to make in an entire year while selling insurance. Now, every penny of income that I have is from the success of my Lease 2 Purchase deals.

The bottom line when it comes to the Lease 2 Purchase contract is -- I know my stuff!

"As a successful real estate investor..."

As a successful real estate investor, I can guarantee you that all the promises that these "fast-buck artists" are making are completely worthless. What upsets me even more is how they prey on people who really can't afford to waste their money on another "Get Rich Quick Scheme." In reality, they are making themselves rich at the expense of good, honest folks.

Now, don't get me wrong. There are legitimate ways to find bona-fide knowledgeable real estate gurus that know how to make some serious cash. But these "get rich quick" con artists only have a theoretical approach and no clue what the real world techniques are. Please do your research before spending your hard earned money on their products.

Without further delay...

Tips for Beginners to Master the Lease 2 Purchase Contract

Tip 1 - Make Landlording a "tra-la-la" Walk in the Park

I have developed ways for you to make landlording an enjoyable experience, instead of the "Nightmare" that most landlords have to deal with. Remember, until recently, I didn't have any support staff to help me with my real estate business. But because of my phenomenal growth, I just hired a full-time office manager to take care of daily operations so I can start new projects and travel more.

Let me explain.

Landlords are among the leading credit grantors in the country, yet they have been very lax in using the credit tools available to them. If you screen your tenant/buyers properly, it will be virtually guaranteed that you won't have any problems with them. As the landlord/seller, your two major concerns are collecting rent on time and preventing the utter destruction of your property. These two risks can be greatly reduced, and practically eliminated, if you know exactly what to do.

Minimize your risk.

  • Have the tenant/buyer fill out a detailed rental application
  • Thoroughly check the tenant/buyer's credit history
  • Make an unannounced visit to the tenant/buyer at their current residence... what you see there is what you will see at your home
  • Call previous landlords to verify payment history, quality of tenants, etc.
  • Verify the tenant/buyer's employment history
  • Ask for many references and check them
  • Get a large option deposit to create even more value in the tenant/buyer's mind
  • Make the tenant/buyer responsible for maintenance
  • And most importantly, use your instincts

Why is this so important?

Because you want to focus all of your time creating new opportunities and enjoying life - not worrying about tenants.

Here are some more Tricks of the Trade...

  • Encourage your tenant/buyers to allow automatic transfer from their account to yours.
  • Coincide rent due dates with your tenant/buyer's paydays.
  • Send your tenant/buyer a holiday, birthday, or better yet, a Thanksgiving card. How often do you receive Thanksgiving cards? They will definitely remember it.
  • Tenant/buyers who think like home buyers act in the following manner:
    • They take better care of your home
    • They pay rent on time and fulfill other obligations
    • They handle repairs and other maintenance
    • They improve and upgrade your home
  • To create the appearance that they are actually homeowners, you should send a monthly statement that shows their current amount due, due date, late payment fees, and any notes you want to include, just like a real mortgage company.
  • Give your tenant/buyer twelve stick'em labels with your address printed on them. Now all they need to do is peel off one each month, place it on the envelope with a stamp and mail it to you.
  • To encourage timely rental payments, state that the tenant/buyer will receive an option bonus (maybe $1,500) if they make all of their monthly rental payments in a timely fashion. If they don't make their payments on time, declare the option consideration bonus void by sending written confirmation to that effect.
  • In the first month, welcome the tenant/buyer as a "future home buyer" and use that term in both oral and written communications.
  • Send an "on-time thank you voucher," valued at either $25 or $50 good towards the purchase of the home. If they are ever late, any vouchers received up to that point are considered null and void.
  • What about late rent, pets, maintenance or any other landlording headaches? Read my leases! I've spent thousands of dollars perfecting and fine-tuning them. All problems associated with these issues are finally solved -- once and for all!
  • Give your tenant/buyer a regular "progress checkup" to see what inroads they are making towards the purchase of your home. You want them to be ready when the time comes.

It bears repeating, you want to spend all of your time creating new Lease 2 Purchase opportunities and enjoying life -- not worrying about tenants. An ounce of prevention really pays off, especially in this business. Plus... at this point, your investment should be coasting on automatic pilot.

Tip 2 - Dominate the Marketplace

This is not a fad. This is not a trend. This is the beginning of the next creative real estate revolution! It will affect the way you and your family work, live, and play for the rest of your lives.

"...the beginning of the next creative real estate revolution..."

According to the Association of Progressive Rental Organizations, the rental industry's trade association, the rent-to-own business is more than forty years old, generates $4.4 billion in revenues for the industry, and serves nearly three million customers! It shows no signs of slowing down, in fact, all indications point to increased revenues for years to come -- especially as it applies to real estate.

If you think you will set out to become a real estate investor and easily find success, YOU ARE WRONG. It takes hard work, proper information and most of all, the desire to succeed.

I sometimes see big-time developers or just run-of-the-mill real estate investors flashing their wallets around, proud of their successes. I used to wonder how I could possibly attain the success that they have...

Remember folks, these people are hard workers. They have been taught by knowledgeable mentors, and have a strong desire to achieve success. Until now it has been difficult for anyone who wants to buy, sell or invest in real estate to really make it a big success. I have discovered ways to make sure you are successful...

Just look at my successes.

During the past year alone, my company has controlled over a million dollars worth of real estate for just pennies on the dollar -- I actually made a profit from most of my acquisitions. Plus... I am currently making amazing profits at every stage of every deal I do. What's even more impressive is the speed at which these deals can be done. It's amazing!

Believe me, Lease 2 Purchasing is second to no other form of real estate financing on the planet!

If you will humor me for a moment, consider real estate financing methods like my favorite pastime, the background music of my life, the great game of baseball. Ahhh yes... baseball, apple pie and Chevrolet...

In the "olden days," real estate financing had their leadoff man who played every single day -- or your standard lender. They also had their starting pitcher -- the old land contract -- who was a bull that could pitch an entire game if the team needed him to.

Nowadays, we've still got the leadoff man and the starting pitcher, but we've also got the relief pitcher -- who only comes into the game for an inning or two... the designated hitter -- who simply hits and does nothing else... and the set-up man -- who is likely to pitch to just one batter per game. What's my point?


The game of baseball has become more specialized, just like the game of real estate investing. That's where the Lease 2 Purchase contract comes in!

As much as some won't like to admit it, a business nowadays lives or dies by how specialized it is. Take my web site for example. There are dozens of creative real estate financing techniques out there, but I only deal with one of them -- the most powerful one of them all -- the Lease 2 Purchase contract.

Why is my web site, and my real estate business, so successful? Because I specialize.

"...and I do it better than anyone else."

I only do Lease 2 Purchasing -- and I do it better than anyone else. To make the most of your real estate business, you must specialize, too.

The Lease 2 Purchase contract is the answer.

Trust me, I have proven that even a "small guy" can do it. All that's required is some innovative and creative marketing techniques and the desire to succeed!

Tip 3 - Offer Value and ASK! for the Sale

You MUST be able to offer value in your real estate business. This value comes in many different forms...

  • Faster equity accumulation -- up to 500% faster -- or even more...
  • Top sales price, even if demand is low
  • Higher than usual rent
  • No realtor commissions or mortgage fees
  • Minimum cash out of pocket
  • Non-refundable option deposit
  • Time to repair credit, find financing, and research the neighborhood
  • Peace of mind

Lease 2 Purchase deals are CREATED -- NOT FOUND.

Using negotiation as a tool for success, you can quickly and easily buy or sell any kind of property. Always remember that people never buy a product or service because of it's features. Instead, they buy it because of the benefits they get from it's features. Let me explain...

You wouldn't buy a home because it has a big yard with a washer and dryer plus a two-car garage. But you would buy a home if your children will have a great time playing in the big yard, you will have more free time because you don't have to go to the laundromat and you can protect your cars from the elements in the garage.

The idea is that they care about what the product or service will DO FOR THEM -- the BENEFITS they will receive.

Ask and ye' shall receive.

Ask for the sale. I will say it again, with emphasis... ASK FOR THE SALE.

Say to your customer, "May I have your business?" ...then pause and wait. You will increase your results by 50% or more by simply asking for the sale. Most top sales people understand this simple concept and use it to increase their productivity.

Let me prove it to you. When I sold insurance, I understood the concept of asking for the sale. I was in a town of about 10,000 people -- a slightly below average market. I asked every person that walked in my door if I could have their business -- whether my prices where higher or not. My conversion rate was 26%, which is quite good.

Another agent from my company who was in a larger town of about 20,000 people did not understand the concept of asking for the sale. I talked to him on a regular basis whenever I needed help or just wanted to chit-chat (he was my mentor). He never asked one person if he could have their business. His conversion rate was right around 10% -- and his rates were A LOT better than mine!

"This is the power of the Lease 2 Purchase contract!"

If you really look at the profile of a home buyer or seller, you'll find that these are folks who are usually well educated, hard working and have some disposable income. Almost all of them have decent jobs and pay their bills on time. Because they each have different needs and desires, it will be your job to determine exactly what problem they have and offer a solution to fix their problem...

This is the power of the Lease 2 Purchase contract! It is simply the most flexible creative finance technique available anywhere in the world today! And the best part? It sells itself!

Tip 4 - Cash Rewards, Value, Safety and Security

Creating a Lease 2 Purchase deal can be very rewarding (both financially and mentally) if you do it right.

Do you have any idea how quick and easy most Lease 2 Purchase deals actually are? For example, you all have heard of rent-to-own furniture stores.

These companies serve over three million customers each year and generate over $4.4 billion in revenues.

These are some serious numbers, folks.

In fact, there are several very successful real estate brokers who have dedicated entire divisions to accommodating nothing but Lease 2 Purchase deals. For example, Victory Homefinders, LLC is run by a gentleman who does nothing but Lease 2 Purchase deals every day. As more and more people discover the features and benefits of the Lease 2 Purchase contract, the numbers above will increase dramatically.

You simply won't find a safer, more secure way to transfer real estate ownership. I am reminded of a quote that I heard from The Great One, professional hockey superstar, Wayne Gretzky...

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."

But in order to make your shots, you must first know how to shoot the puck...

Learning from the Best

Talk about learning from the best... I have spent thousands of dollars on creative real estate seminars, courses, books and tapes over the past eight years. For example, one guru charges $4,000 for a one day seminar and $2,000 per hour for private consultations (that's how good this guy is). Another one charges $8,000 for a weekend seminar! And that's just to name a few.

Here are a few more examples of what you absolutely must know when it comes to Lease 2 Purchase real estate transactions. They are broken up into two simple categories; Features & Benefits and Marketing Tips.

General Features & Benefits

Without a doubt, the Lease 2 Purchase contract is the quickest, easiest and least expensive way to buy, sell and invest in real estate.

It replaces the typical adversarial relationship that usually exists between buyers and sellers with a win-win method of transferring real estate ownership. As a result, it is highly prized by those who know about its powerful features and benefits.

Specifically (if you're the buyer), you will have minimum cash out of pocket, credit problems are okay, faster equity growth, increased buying power, time to kick the tires and peace of mind.

Specifically (if you're the seller), you will have a top sales price -- even if demand is low, positive cash flow, the largest market of buyers, minimum risk, no commissions or fees, no maintenance, no landlording and (my favorite) a non-refundable option deposit.

Landlord/Seller Features & Benefits

If you don't need much cash up front ($5,000 - $20,000), the best way to get your full asking price and a higher than average monthly rent for your home is to offer it for sale on a Lease 2 Purchase. Since you're offering a huge value and attractive financing to assist the tenant/buyer, they tend to be willing to pay a higher sales price and higher than average rent. Tenant/buyers can easily understand the concept of trading price for time and value.

When you Lease 2 Purchase your home, you receive a non-refundable option deposit. This amount can be as much (or as little) as you wish. You will receive a majority of your profits at closing when, and if, the tenant/buyer exercises their option to buy. You also win if the tenant/buyer defaults or allows the option to expire since the option deposit is non-refundable. You can begin the whole process over again by collecting another option deposit from a different tenant/buyer.

The earnings potential for the landlord/seller is tremendous since a well-negotiated deal will reap profits at every stage of the game.

Here are some features and benefits for the landlord/seller:

  • Top sales price, even if demand is low: You attract more buyers who are willing to pay a premium because of the exclusive financing terms and value you're offering.
  • Higher than usual rent: Since you are flexible on your financing terms and are offering a tremendous value, you can demand a higher than usual rent.
  • Positive cash flow: Since you can demand a higher than usual rent, your positive cash flow will increase.
  • Non-refundable option money: When a tenant/buyer executes (signs) a Lease 2 Purchase contract, you receive an non-refundable option deposit that is yours to keep should they default or decide not to buy.
  • Save thousands in fees: Since you are selling your home by owner, you will avoid paying a 5-10% realtor commission which quickly adds up to thousands of dollars. You will also save on advertising costs because your home will be sold a lot faster.
  • Highest quality tenants, minimum risk: Because you are renting to tenants who have a vested interest in your home, they think like homeowners and tend to take good care of it.
  • No maintenance, no landlording headaches: Tenants who have a vested interest and believe they are a homeowner may feel a "pride of ownership" that encourages them to pay on time, perform routine maintenance and make improvements to your home.
  • Tax shelter is held intact: Because you remain on the deed until the option is exercised, you maintain all of the tax benefits of ownership.
  • Largest market of buyers: You are marketing your home not only to traditional buyers, but also to renters and investors. These three groups make up over 95% of people whom buy real estate.
  • No vacancies: When you advertise your home as a Lease 2 Purchase your phone will literally ring off the hook. Typical turnover time is days or weeks instead of months or even years.
  • Peace of mind: It is safer than conventional rentals because of the quality of the tenants and their vested interest in your home. It also means that someone is living on-site who will watch and guard your home against fire, theft, vandalism, etc.

Tenant/Buyer Features & Benefits

If you are in the market to buy a home, you are probably aware of the advantages home ownership provides (tax shelter, appreciation, security, etc). If you are actively seeking homes for sale on a Lease 2 Purchase agreement, you are either (1) a very smart renter, (2) a very smart real estate investor, (3) not ready to make a commitment, (4) cannot yet purchase a home through conventional means or (5) any combination of the aforementioned.

The Lease 2 Purchase contract provides you with many features and benefits, but perhaps the most powerful one is the rate at which you accumulate equity. Compare any lender's loan amortization schedule to that of a Lease 2 Purchase contract and you'll quickly see that the Lease 2 Purchase contract wins hands-down -- every time. Moreover, the buying power of a Lease 2 Purchase contract can quickly and easily land you a home that you could only dream of buying the conventional way.

Here are some features and benefits for the tenant/buyer:

  • Faster equity growth: Equity accumulates much faster (five times or more!) than with conventional financing through a bank or lender.
  • Rent money is working towards purchase: Every month a portion of your rental payment (typically $100-$500) is credited towards your down payment or off of the sales price.
  • Option money is credited towards purchase: When you sign a Lease 2 Purchase contract, you will pay the seller an option deposit. This money is your vested interest in the home and will be fully (100%) credited to you when you buy the home.
  • Minimum cash out of pocket: When you purchase a home the conventional way, you must pay at least 5% down plus closing costs and prepaid fees. When you buy with a Lease 2 Purchase, you only pay first month's rent and a small option deposit. This will save you between 25% and 85% every time you buy a home.
  • Frequently no down payment at close: Since you have given the seller an option deposit and you have been receiving monthly rent credits, there will frequently be very little or nothing left to pay for a down payment at closing.
  • Profits from appreciation: Since the sales price is locked in before closing (as specified in your agreement), any increase in property value will mean that your equity (what you owe minus what it's worth) is increasing in the home.
  • Possible sale for a profit: If you are allowed to sell (assign) your option (it will be in your agreement), you may sell it to a third party for a profit.
  • Increased buying power: When you buy a Lease 2 Purchase home, you can put down as little as first month's rent and a $1 option deposit. Compare that to a typical bank or lender who requires 5-30% down plus closing costs and prepaids.
  • Credit problems okay: Qualification restrictions simply do not exist. You will be approved at the sole discretion of the landlord/seller.
  • No lengthy escrows or mortgage approvals: Your approval will be based solely at the discretion of the landlord/seller instead of a lender who can take up to a month (or longer) to render a decision.
  • Control of the home: You will be put in full legal control of the home for a specified period of time without actually having to own it.
  • No taxes, less liability: Since you do not own the home (yet), you will not have to pay property taxes and your liability exposure will be dramatically reduced.
  • Quick move in time: You can typically take possession of the home in a week or less, instead of conventional move in times of one to three months, after your offer was accepted.
  • Maximum leverage: You are spending very little (or zero) money to control a potentially very expensive, and very profitable, piece of real estate.
  • Time: Before you actually buy the home, you will have 3-24 months (depending on your agreement) to repair your credit, find the best interest rates, investigate the home and research the neighborhood and/or schools.
  • Minimal maintenance: Large maintenance problems or any maintenance problems that exceed a certain amount of money can be delegated to the landlord/seller.
  • Privacy: Your name will not be on the deed or in the public records until you exercise your option to buy.
  • Peace of mind: You will have full control of the home and can maintain or improve it however you wish.

Investor Features & Benefits

As an investor, you will receive the exact same features and benefits as the landlord/seller or the tenant/buyer, depending on which role you take in the transaction.

Furthermore, as an investor you're probably aware of the principles of leverage (the use of borrowed funds to improve ones capacity and to increase the rate of return on an investment). With the Lease 2 Purchase contract, you can buy (control) properties for literally no money down without using a lender or going through a lengthy loan approval process.

Additionally, the Lease 2 Purchase contract is so quick and easy to use, you can significantly increase your productivity and, as a result, your cash flow.

Realtor Features & Benefits

As a realtor, it would benefit you to add the Lease 2 Purchase contract to your toolbox of income producing techniques.

Imagine opening your doors to a world of buyers and sellers that nobody else in your office, or town, has even considered. In fact, almost every buyer and seller you meet is a potential Lease 2 Purchase candidate.

This can provide a special market niche for you. And having a special niche is what separates the top producers from the mediocre ones.

Never lose another deal because your seller is overpriced or because your buyer can't get financing. A Lease 2 Purchase requires less than half the work of selling a home the conventional way, so you will be much more productive -- and wealthy!

Furthermore, some of the most successful professionals in the world, including insurance agents, movie stars, musicians, and authors all benefit from a little-known financial secret about the best kind of income you can earn...

Residual income.

What do these financial geniuses know that you don't? Simply put, they know that residual income provides for a steady cash flow that is paid at a date after your work has been completed. Imagine the income you'll receive from lining up one or two quick and easy deals every month for the next twelve months.

Other immediate income producing possibilities include:

  • Consulting on an hourly basis
  • Paying a referral fee to someone for lining up these opportunities for you
  • Charging an up front fee for your services instead of waiting for the residual income

The possibilities are endless.

What's more important, you are in a position to make the Lease 2 Purchase option known to a select group of potential clients who would not qualify to purchase in any other way. They will remember the opportunity you have given them and reward you with future business.

At minimum, you have a fiduciary responsibility to determine whether a Lease 2 Purchase agreement could help them solve their real estate problems. It may be exactly what they need -- and trust me -- they will thank you for it!

Marketing Tips

  • I will reveal the hottest contract clauses in the Lease 2 Purchase market today and give you a lot of ideas for developing your own.
  • Learn the only types of real estate to invest in and which types you should avoid at all cost.
  • Exactly where you should focus your time and energy to maximize your profits -- right from the start!
  • Tested and proven marketing tips for buying, selling or investing in real estate with the Lease 2 Purchase contract.
  • How and where to easily find motivated sellers, but more importantly, how to get them to sign on the dotted line. Hint: it's easier than you think!
  • How to increase your sales price plus increase interest in your home at the same time. For example, if you are asking $100,000 for your home, I will show you how to sell it for $110,000 -- and possibly more -- with more buyers interested in it.
  • How to create blockbuster offers and write "killer" classified ads that will make your phone ring so fast that your head will spin. Plus... you come away with a complete understanding of how to create offers that sell like hotcakes. This skill alone, which few people possess, is worth it's weight in gold.
  • How to successfully promote your Lease 2 Purchase business.
  • I will show you how to get the best results for your advertising dollar while spending almost none of your own money.
  • You will learn which options you should include in your Lease 2 Purchase contracts to maximize your profits from every deal. No one else can show you how to do this!
  • I will explain step-by-step methods for the best advertising, which ads work every time, and how they can create a huge response -- the second you start.
  • Learn how many simple tricks of the trade will double -- or even triple -- your profits as well as what to avoid because you may actually lose money.
  • The only way you should approach a seller to maximize your profits.
  • How to easily clarify your position while negotiating a Lease 2 Purchase deal which will save yourself valuable time and loads of money.
  • How to put your search for motivated sellers and eager buyers on automatic pilot.
  • How to use "pretty" words in your ads to increase response. For example, a "nice" home is okay, but an "immaculate" home is infinitely better.
  • You will learn how to hold the perfect open house, and have tenants literally lined-up fighting to sign your lease and offer you a huge option deposit.
  • Quickly and easily tap into information gained from previous ad campaigns which will save you time, effort, and money on your future campaigns -- only if you do it right!
  • I will show you exactly how to design your marketing flyers and posters so you can get started right away.
  • Simple tricks on how to get your phone ringing instantly -- this makes or breaks everyone. I will show you where to advertise and how you will be the first ad called every time.
  • Where to find realtors and other local real estate professionals who have contact with the public so you can get referrals and increase your business.
  • How to increase your profits on every deal... plus learn many different ways you will benefit by including your own custom powerful and proven contract clauses.

These tips, strategies and secrets are the most effective techniques available on the market today. They will put your Lease 2 Purchase business on automatic-pilot.

" to make huge profits..."

There are literally dozens of ways to use and market a home with the Lease 2 Purchase contract. You will learn which ones are the easiest, fastest and most effective... and which ones are a waste of your time. Plus I will show you, step-by-step, how to make huge profits marketing your property with the Lease 2 Purchase contract and how to avoid the most common pitfalls.

No nonsense and plenty of real-world examples. I cut through the fog and show you what it really takes to consistently buy, sell and invest in real estate with the Lease 2 Purchase contract.

You don't need to be a real estate genius. You don't need any special equipment or experience. You will go immediately from a real estate novice to Lease 2 Purchase pro in a matter of days. You will start earning income within 48 hours after you start your Lease 2 Purchase campaign.

Trust me, you'll want to skip the learning curve -- it will consistently save you time and money on every deal you do.

This knowledge comes from quietly and consistently making thousands of dollars -- month in and month out -- by placing your business on a remarkably simple automatic pilot system.

And anyone can easily duplicate this success. Once your business is up and running on automatic pilot, there is nothing left to do except go out and look for new ways to make money. I will share all the details with you.

Let me prove it one more time. Here is a scan of several checks that I recently received from my tenants as their down payment. As you can see, I am not blowing hot air. This is real and I have proven it.

The truth is, most folks expect to make money overnight by becoming a real estate investor. Others are more realistic and expect to reap the rewards after a month or two... however, I will personally guarantee that after studying my techniques and secrets, you will start turning a profit in your first ninety days. No ifs, ands or buts. Once your business is on automatic pilot, just spend an hour or so each day fine tuning your business plan.

Remember, if you don't know what kind of real estate is the best to invest in, I will show you -- and I guarantee that there are perfect opportunities right in your home town.

Tip 5 - Always, ALWAYS Model Success

What do you think is the fastest and easiest way to use the Lease 2 Purchase contract?

Why bother reinventing the wheel?

I have learned over many agonizing years of expensive trial and error that the fastest and easiest way is to model someone who is already successful.

"...give you their most closely guarded secrets."

The problem is getting one of these experts to give you their most closely guarded secrets. How do you get them to spill their guts and lay it all on the table including their most profitable tricks of the trade and sales techniques... complete details on how the deal began, what negotiation techniques were used and full documented results of the profits produced.

Unless you can afford to spend a small fortune to hire one of these top guns, you simply won't be privy to the powerful insider secrets that will transform your experience with the Lease 2 Purchase contract into a powerful tool almost overnight.

Stop risking all your time, effort, and money! Let me show you proven ways to use the Lease 2 Purchase contract fast -- and with almost no risk!

You will catapult yourself to a new level with these insider secrets and strategies which you will immediately apply to your given situation... whether you're buying, selling or investing in real estate.

Why not invest in your ability to take control of your financial future, improve your lifestyle, and make a substantial amount of money simply because you chose to get yourself The Lease 2 Purchase Handbook and FREE CD? Discover the secrets of creating successful deals with the Lease 2 Purchase contract -- consistently -- time after time.

My course comes 100% complete with a full-color manual and all six of my own personal (and completely customizable) Lease 2 Purchase contracts... plus you'll receive both of my quick profit calculators, my custom prospecting forms, my profit analysis forms, and my Easy Offer System™ -- PLUS a wealth of other critical reference information that you must have to be successful in this business.

You'll want to get right down to business the very minute you receive it.

You can get on the fast track to success by ordering your copy of The Lease 2 Purchase Handbook and FREE CD right now. The cost is just $147, but as a special internet marketing test, and only until Tuesday, February 18, 2025 at 11:59 PM, it is just $97.

You save $50!

I think you will agree, this is a tremendous bargain.

To have your Lease 2 Purchase Handbook and FREE CD shipped TODAY, please click here now.

It works!

Hi Jeff,

Just wanted to drop you a line and tell you that I will NOT be taking you up on your double the money back guarantee.

I got your book via Download and went right to work.

I used your ad...
I used your contract...
I used your techniques...
I used your Rental Application...

In ten days I had a buyer for my property at Full Market Price. A week before getting your material I would have sold my house for what I owed on it plus closing cost. I had given up hope of making any money on the deal.

Now I have a buyer who I will get qualified for a mortgage in less than 12 months and I will make $5000.00 up front, cash flow $100.00 monthly, and the best of all I will walk away with a $25,000.00 pay day in about 12 Months.

I don't think it can get better than this.

Thanks for providing real world information that can be used by real people, and at $147.00 it did not break the bank. It is worth however, so much more.

Jeff You're The Man!

Keith McGrew

Merry Christmas to Me!

Its R.H. from NYC. All the best to you and yours! God bless you Jeff. I structured a very nice Sandwich deal this past Friday. Pretty darn close to Christmas Eve! Your inside info made Christmas very special for a bunch of folks over here!

I really admire your style and presentation Jeff. It is so streamlined-svelte and PROFESSIONAL. I love it and every person who your/our knowledge touches is Very impressed and intrigued. I have found a vehicle which is the route to my financial dreams. Thanks a billion!


That's What Friends Are For

Just wanted to let you know that I bought your course to help a friend. She had purchased a house for her and her daughter to share and her daughter left which meant she couldn't afford the payment alone. She was already weeks late on her payment and needed to do something fast. She paid $85,000 for the house last July and her payment was $718.00 a month.

In only two weeks she was able to lease option it for $96,000.00 with $800.00 monthly payments. She virtually went from facing foreclosure and losing everything to generating a small monthly income and profiting $11,000.00.


Now I am going to try to lease purchase a home and then sub lease. Thanks much for the help!

Dennis Thomas

Amazing Results!

Hi Jeff,

Just wanted to send you some more good news. I ran into a couple that had started in the rental business 2 years ago. They didn't work it much after that and did not keep all the properties up real well. They started a coffee shop and decided to get out of the rental business. They were now financially strapped. I bought one of the homes on a lease option purchase and turned it in a matter of weeks for a $1500 deposit profit, a $100/month rental profit, and a sales profit of $12,000. The buyers credit was a little blemished, but they can buy FHA in 12 months.

I went back to this same couple and found out they had three more properties they want to sell. Two of them are in ok condition and the other is in pretty good condition. One of the properties is in a great location and I found out it is commercially zoned! I bought at a real low residential price, and am going to turn this in a few weeks for a high commercial value!

About $30,000 profit!

Since I bought your program a few months ago I have turned about 10 properties! Great way to go. Thanks for the great program.

Brent Moody

You may be asking, what about a guarantee that these strategies and tips will work? Well, how about I double your money back if you're not completely satisfied? That's a $97 check -- COMPLETELY FREE -- just for trying my Lease 2 Purchase Handbook and FREE CD.

Industry Exclusive Double Your Money Back Guarantee!

This is a necessary risk that I take to prove my confidence to you! Absolutely no other real estate program in the world has -- or would ever dare to -- provide such a risky measure to back their product like I do. This information is a bargain.

If you use any of my strategies, I personally guarantee that you will have success with the Lease 2 Purchase contract within 90 days. Otherwise (1) these secrets and the $727 in bonuses are yours to keep and (2) I'll compensate you with a bonus $97 cashier's check, in addition to a 100% refund of your purchase price.

Jeff Beaubien
Beaubien Investment Co., LLC.

Why I'm making such a bold claim?

That is because my clients are very satisfied.

My clients, after reading the material, would be crazy to return something that will assist them in achieving their real estate goals. I get zilch returns... almost nobody returns the course. So I don't worry about a "double your money back" return policy.

Plus just to "sweeten" the deal, if you order by Tuesday, February 18, 2025 at 11:59 PM, I will include the following five valuable free gifts worth over $727. I am so confident you will find success, they are yours to keep just for placing your order.

FREE Bonus #1 - Valued at $497.95

Special Software - "Lease 2 Purchase Success Legal Forms Package"

Included is my very special Lease 2 Purchase Success Forms Package which is packed with valuable and fully customizable legal forms and time-saving resources. These are the most precise Lease 2 Purchase contracts in the business.

I have invested over $12,000 to have some of the greatest real estate legal minds in America help me fine-tune and perfect my contracts. They are the absolute best on the planet, and now they can be all yours.

If you're serious about making money using the Lease 2 Purchase contract -- with ultimate precision and expertise -- this Success Legal Forms Package is a must-have. The time you will save and the money you will make will absolutely blow your mind.

Here are a few examples:

  • Lease 2 Purchase Agreement (I Am Tenant/Buyer) - Use this form to close your deal when you have an accepted offer from a landlord/seller. One of my attorneys laughed when she read it because it favors me so much. 100% Completely customizable.
  • Lease 2 Purchase Agreement (I Am Landlord/Seller) - Use this form when you have either purchased or negotiated the control of a home that you would like to Lease 2 Purchase to a tenant/buyer. Again, this contract heavily favors me. 100% Completely customizable.
  • Assignment of Lease 2 Purchase Agreement - Use this form to assign (sell) your interest in a home that you are Lease 2 Purchasing to another party. Large, fast profits can be made with this contract, usually in two days or less. 100% Completely customizable.
  • Property Analysis Form - Use this form before you make an offer to ensure it will be profitable. Use the point system when you're buying the home conventionally. Because you're looking for properties that are best suited to the Lease 2 Purchase contract, this form is very important. 100% Completely customizable.
  • Information Gathering Forms - A very simple, yet essential tool to help you quickly and accurately determine why your prospects would want to do a Lease 2 Purchase deal. Within seconds you'll be able to determine which of your prospects is the cream of the crop. 100% Completely customizable.
  • Realtor Prospecting Form - If you're a real estate agent, use this form to quickly and easily determine if a seller or buyer may best suited by doing a Lease 2 Purchase. This will instantly open your doors to a brand new market of clients who make up over 95% of the population currently in the real estate market. 100% Completely customizable.
  • Rental Application - Use this form to determine if a tenant/buyer qualifies for a home you have control of. This is the most complete and precise rental application on earth. 100% Completely customizable.
  • Inventory Checklist and Receipt - This form is similar to an insurance policy against damage to your home by your tenant/buyer. Have them fill out this form before they move in to protect your property. 100% Completely customizable.
  • Lead-Based Paint Disclosure - Federal law requires that every landlord must sign this form with their tenant/buyer prior to leasing their home if it was constructed prior to 1978. Don't customize this one!
  • Tenant Monthly Statement - Tenants who think like homeowners, act like homeowners. They pay their rent on time, take good care of your property, and generally make your life much easier. Mail this statement to them to encourage this behavior. You can include due dates, late payment information, plus bonus information and special messages -- very powerful! 100% Completely customizable.
  • Plus much more!

FREE Bonus #2 - Valued at $49.95

Special Software Download - "The Easy Offer System™"

Learn my simple 2-step method for presenting "killer" offers that not even the most stubborn sellers can resist. My experience has shown that this system will increase your success rate by over 50% when trying to hammer down deals with a landlord/seller.

This system will get you on the fast track to success and save you countless hours of your valuable time. Better yet, it's completely customizable to fit any situation.

FREE Bonus #3 - Valued at $89.95

Special Software Download - "Lease 2 Purchase Profit Calculators"

Every successful real estate investor knows exactly how much money they are going to make on a particular deal before they sign on the dotted line. Imagine trying to "guess" your way to success -- it simply cannot be done. This is the learning curve that every new Lease 2 Purchase investor faces right from the start.

I'll solve this problem for you with my very own Lease 2 Purchase Profit Calculators. You'll know exactly how much money you're going to make in up-front profit, back-end profit and monthly cash flow. It's truly a Lease 2 Purchase investors dream come true.

And best of all, it's 100% accurate every time.

FREE Bonus #4 - Valued at $89.95

Exclusive Access - "My Lease 2 Purchase and Online Networks"

You will gain exclusive access to my personal online Lease 2 Purchase and networks which will help you make more money -- FASTER -- with your Lease 2 Purchase business.

I attract over 100,000 unique visitors to my web sites every month, so you'll be guaranteed to find the freshest, most cutting edge information on the Lease 2 Purchase business anywhere on the planet. Some benefits you will take advantage of right away include:

  • Lease 2 Purchase Chat Rooms - My favorite part about my online community is definitely my chat rooms. People from all over the country (and world) share their experiences, ask questions, and find answers here. Much like the Knowledge Base below, it is constantly growing and evolving into one of the most amazing Lease 2 Purchase investing resources you'll ever lay eyes on. Plus, it provides you with 24 hour live support whenever you need it.

  • Lease 2 Purchase Knowledge Base - An ever-growing, constantly evolving super-list of articles designed to share information about the Lease 2 Purchase business. Kind of like an independent "real estate information network." Each article is submitted by other Lease 2 Purchase investors, just like yourself, and hopefully you'll be contributing to it a few short days after you begin. I learn something new every time I read an article, and you will too!

  • Lets Network! - Looking for a partner? Want to team up with someone to share information? Want to do this with people who live right in your own neighborhood? Well, this is the place for you! Every day dozens of investors add their names to my list of folks interested in networking their Lease 2 Purchase business. Maybe you need a partner with capital? Maybe you're looking for a bird dog? Add your name to the list and watch as the world comes beating a path to your door.

  • Fresh Informative Articles - Want to know the fastest way to close a deal? I've got you covered. Looking for a company to help you manage your houses? Look no further. You name it, I've got! My comprehensive list of informative articles includes topics on just about every aspect of Lease 2 Purchase investing you can imagine.

  • Lease 2 Purchase Classified Ads - I've had several clients tell me that they actually did an entire deal right from this web site. They posted an ad looking for a nice home to Lease 2 Purchase, found one, then posted another ad looking for a buyer -- and found one of those, too! When I heard about this, I knew my Lease2Purchase network was going to be great.

  • Lease 2 Purchase Downloads - I've searched the internet long and hard to compile this list of valuable software. The best part? It's all 100% free for the taking. Amortization calculators, buy versus rent analysis, everything under the sun to make you successful in your Lease 2 Purchase business.

  • Links - This is absolutely, positively the most comprehensive list of real estate investing web sites you'll find anywhere on the web. I even rate each site based on content, value and ease of use. I use an easy to understand scoring system so you'll have time to get out there and do deals instead of endlessly surfing the internet for that bit of information you need.

  • Lease 2 Purchase Store - It occurred to me recently that you may want to expand your Lease 2 Purchase business even further, so I decided to sell other authors courses along with my own. As the editor of my network, it is my mission to offer you only the best Lease 2 Purchase training materials available. I personally read and review every single product I offer. These books, courses, and tapes are produced by real people who do real deals in today's marketplace. The information is rock solid, it works, and it will help you make more money.

    Oh, by the way, I also offer the best prices and fastest (FREE) shipping -- Guaranteed!

  • Plus much, much more!

FREE Bonus #5 - Valued at $ ??

Exclusive Access - "24 Hour Live Support"

So as you can see, I am with you each step of the way. You're going to receive more support than any other "how to" product has ever dreamed to offer. And the best part?

Your success is virtually guaranteed!

That is a total value of over $727 in free gifts, yours to keep regardless of whether or not you keep my course.

Think about it...

The price of this course is a painless drop in the bucket compared to the money you are going to lose in your lifetime without this marketing know-how.

Look at it this way... You really can't afford NOT to invest in my course.

To have your Lease 2 Purchase Handbook and FREE CD shipped TODAY, please click here now.

Success Just Two Weeks After Starting


Two weeks after receiving your program, I was able to sell with a $3,000.00 option and a $120.00 positive cash flow. I am more than convinced. I look forward to future investments. Thanks!!

Ray Bolden

According to Your Profit Calculator

Hi again Jeff,

It's been a while so let me update you on the deal I've got going. I found this cute little home in a nice neighborhood that was priced right ($60,000 - about $2,000 less than what I thought it was worth). Anyway, the seller wanted out of it so I made her a lease purchase offer exactly how you teach in the Handbook and she accepted! My terms were: $1,000 option deposit, $550/mo for 24 months, $200 rent credit. I couldn't believe that she accepted my offer - it was like I bought this nice little home for a total of $1,550 down. Wow!

Before I signed the paperwork with her to close my deal, I ran two ads looking for tenant/buyers. Much to my delight, my phone didn't stop ringing with interested people for three full days! I found a potential tenant/ buyer and showed them the home and they wanted it. I had a sales price of $69,900 in 24 months (should have no problem appraising at this), received $2,000 down for the option money, charged $650/MO and gave a $100 rent credit. Of course, I checked their credit and it wasn't perfect, but they shouldn't have any problems getting a mortgage if they pay off a couple of late pays.

According to your profit calculator, my front end net profit was $1,100 (which I'm going to use to invest in another home), my net profit from rent will be $2,300 and my back end net profit will be $11,300 for a grand total of $14,700!! Thank you, Jeff. Now I see why you started your web site.


Jamie Montgomery, St Louis

20K Net Profit in a Couple Months

Hi Jeff,

I purchased your course a couple of months ago and the information is excellent. I have already completed my first L/P deal where I lease purchased a property from a seller, improved it and lease purchased to a T/B for over 20K Net Profit.

Chris asks a question...

Thanks in advance for your replies. Your information is outstanding. Have a great day!

To your continued success,

Chris Duggan

The Success I Had Using Your Material


I just wanted to tell you about the success I had using your material.

About two years ago a tornado wiped my business out and I discovered how under-insured I was. To make the story a short one, I was wiped out financially. I have gone to work for a corporation but a long period of unemployment and a present salary that is about 1/2 what I was making has made it very rough.

When I ordered your course about a month ago, we were living in an over-priced apartment plus paying a monthly storage bill because our belongings wouldn't fit our apartment.

After buying your course I found a beautiful house that had been empty for nine months. The owner had moved out of state and was paying on two houses. I have no idea why it didn't sell but I suspect he wasn't very flexible at first. However he was VERY flexible by the time I contacted him.

I used your methods and forms and was able to lease option the house for less per month than we were paying on the apartment. The option period is for two years with two renewal periods, and my total option payment was $1,000.

I estimate that we have the house locked in for about $30,000 under its present market value for six years. Over the last two years, my credit took a real beating, but this arrangement assures that I will have equity in the house when we decide to buy it. I don't think we will have any trouble getting a mortgage with $30,000 already in the house even if it doesn't appreciate in six years (note: this house is in North Atlanta, an area that has seen about 7% appreciation rates for years).

Jeff, thanks for everything. We now live in a beautiful 3400 sq ft house thanks to you.


P.S. Jeff, with this under my belt, I am actively looking for more lease/option deals to put together. I am finding that telling sellers I am looking for an investment property puts a very different spin on the conversations. They don't try to sell me on the house but we go right to talking about the numbers. It brings out whether they are motivated buyers a lot faster when they aren't trying to "sell" me on how beautiful the house is.

After the Realtor, Then Came Jeff

I listed my property with a Realtor for $159,900.00 and contracted for 7% commission for six months. Well that went about nowhere fast, except for six showings - two of which were unrepresented. Then we had an offer, then counter-offer, then agreement which never materialized. I was going crazy!

After all this anxiety, I started to realize I was paying $12,000.00 in commission, going to sell for 15% less than my asking price, and 25% less than market value.

Then along came LEASE TO PURCHASE. YO JEFF!!!! I bought the course - studied the course - dreamt the course, then applied the course.

Here's how it went down...

Listed the property for $159,900.00 with lease/option consideration $8,000.00 and monthly payments of $1,000.00 for 12 month term and rent credit of $200.00. After 1 month of continuous showing, we found a qualifying family, with fair credit, excellent income, and with hard work should be able to qualify for a mortgage, at the least a non-conforming loan in 24 months.

Terms: $159,900.00 purchase price. Lease Agreement: $1,000.00 month for 24 months, no rent credit. If they default on the lease, one day over agreement then they're history, and I start the process all over again. I JUST LOVE IT!

My end; taxes, mortgage and insurance $800.00. Also one 33 cent postage stamp and letter to my neighbors saying "see ya!" In 2 years, when I've closed this deal, I will be sure to post the results.

Thanks for the course Jeff!

Tim Treon

"As a long time advocate, practitioner, and teacher I think everyone interested in the subject should have Jeff Beaubien's Lease 2 Purchase Handbook."

A.D. Kessler
Founder, Creative Real Estate®

This isn't rocket science, folks.

The Lease 2 Purchase Handbook and FREE CD has everything you need to make this happen for you -- and happen fast.

Here is what you get...

  • The best forms and contracts in the business so you will get every deal done with almost no risk
  • All the marketing materials you need so you will jump-start your success right from the start
  • All the scripts, ads and sales training you need so you will have confidence when you need it most
  • All the information you must have to make profitable decisions every single time!

But I've saved the best for last.

By reading to this point on the page, you have taken the first and most critical step of the process already -- you have gathered as much free information as possible. For that, I congratulate you.

"Now you can take part in this action..."

I have laid the foundation for success, now all you have to do is build upon it and watch it grow! I have proven to be a success time and time again. Now you can take part in this action and become what I call a "Real Estate Winner."

Plus, by being an owner of The Lease 2 Purchase Handbook and FREE CD, you will find out first-hand why I am so confident in my course and its proven strategies and techniques.

My industry exclusive Double Your Money Back Guarantee is a necessary risk that I take to prove my confidence to you. Absolutely no other real estate program in the world has -- or would ever dare to -- provide such a risky measure to back their product like I do.

Take the second most important step right now...

Order your copy of The Lease 2 Purchase Handbook and FREE CD.

May I have your business?

The Lease 2 Purchase Handbook and FREE CD

Now just $97 until Tuesday, February 18, 2025 at 11:59 PM

You save $50 off the suggested retail price!

  1. Click here to order the Instant Download Version with my Secure order form.

  2. Click here to order the Hardcopy Version with my Secure order form. Out of Stock

  3. Click here to order via FAX or standard mail.

Shipping is completely FREE.

All Instant Download orders will be delivered to your email address just 30 seconds after placing your order.

All Hardcopy orders are shipped the same day by U.S. Priority Mail. You will receive the course within 2-3 days and can get started the same day you receive it. You will be putting Lease 2 Purchase deals together by NEXT WEEK!

Click to Check!

I am talking about a real-world, nuts and bolts, step-by-step system for using the Lease 2 Purchase contract that will make you money... time and time again. Just one of the dozens of great techniques, tips and secrets will easily pay for your small investment many times over.

And remember, it's impossible for you to lose!

I am so confident that my Lease 2 Purchase Handbook and FREE CD will be a crucial step to your financial success that I support it with my industry exclusive Double Your Money Back Guarantee. Absolutely no other real estate program in the world has -- or would ever dare to -- provide such a risky measure to back their product like I do.

If you use all my techniques, I guarantee you will have success within 90 days or I will buy the course back from you PLUS give you an extra $97 to boot.

This information is a bargain.

If you really want the power to blow the lid off your financial future, don't put off placing your order right now. This special information is invaluable to you and will be worth many tens of thousands of dollars in future profits. Place your order online right now!

Yours in success,

Jeff Beaubien
Beaubien Investment Co., LLC.

P.S. If you don't seize this opportunity, how will you discover what's holding you back? How will you learn from the victories (and costly mistakes) of a flesh and blood successful Lease 2 Purchase investor... the one who has already reached his dream?

Trust me, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

P.P.S. I can't promise you will become rich using my system. I don't know you... your background... your commitment... or your motivation.

But as you can see, I've already helped "real people" like the ones you've read about on this very page make life-changing money with their very own Lease 2 Purchase businesses.

If you're not convinced that my system will help you create a wildly profitable Lease 2 Purchase Business of your very own, then I will refund every penny you've given me.

So whether or not you make life-changing money with your very own profitable Lease 2 Purchase Business is now completely up to you...

To have your Lease 2 Purchase Handbook and FREE CD shipped TODAY, please click here now.

Click here to see the table of contents.

Making the lease with option to purchase contract easy for everyone.
Copyright © 1999-2025 Buy, Sell and Invest. Faster and Easier.